Tuesday 2 October 2012

paper cut out

25 Sept 2012

lecture 5 basically we learnt recap all the Principles of design elements. Recap all the visual elements and principles to create a successful compositions. from lecture 5, we learnt that the balance , scale and the proportion . first i thought like to create balance the composition must be symmetrical but i learnt that the balance not only just symmetrical but asymmetrical can also have the balance as well.

we have to create two different artworks using A4 size papers and using paper cut out and collage  techniques. one of the artwork must represents the balance & symmetry and the other one must be represents domaince, space and weight.

these are my first try paper cut out :)

this is my first art work. it is weight & space art work.
this art work called as INSPIRATION SHOWER.
this art work is telling a man who lack of ideas, showering the inspiration shower. that means the water came out from the shower thingy is all ideas. you can see that the water i cut it the pattern and inside the water i cut a lot square, rectangle, triangle that represents as the ideas.

i used a black paper to cut all the paper cut out and i pasted it on a white A4 size paper. Then, i pasted them again at a A3 size black mounting board.

this is my second artwork, is the balance and symmetry. this called as PEACOCK. this art work as you can see is like two peacock did not face to each other.

i fold the paper into two and i use the knife to cut the shape of the peacock, the feathers, the land and the "legs'' too. after i cut finished, i opened it. it became two peacock that did not face each other.
this art work is a last minute work because i did wrong with my first balance and symmetry paper cut out.

this is the third art work which is totally FAILED !!
because its seem so messy at the roots.
actually this is like a big tree with a lot branches and the round thing surround by the branches is the moon. and beside the big big tree is the houses. actually is midnight.

Ms Lisa said its like not good, and it so messay. the roots, the moon, the houses and most important i pasted this paper cut out wrongly. i pasted it at the bottom of the mounting board. hmmm .... seem so damn weird, COMPOSITION problem !

so i did the peacock paper cut out like 30 min before start our presentation for this assignments. pheww luckily i can did that. lol


what i had learnt is plan everything before you do somethings. bad example like the failed artwork i did. i did not plan it well to do that art work and the peacock paper cut out i also like last minute pop out the ideas from the brochure assignments.so no more do anything without a plan. 

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