Monday 24 September 2012

presentation assignments 4

18th september 2012

is the individual presentation day for assignments 4 ! basically these are my assignments 4 i had done.
my topic is about the famous French Fashion Designer in fashion history. COCO CHANEL.
i add a lot coco chanel potrait and some chanel logo as image for the 3 gridworks i did.


first one as you see, i arrange the two columns ,one medium size image, header and sub-heading (under the image).

second one, is three columns. i put 3 small size images and 2 sub-heading below the image.


first one : i used a big header and 2 medium size image and body copy.but unfortunately my margin is wrong. too bad... 

second one : i'm not using header at here but i used sub heading as start of this body copy. i used italic word font on sub heading because it is a famous quotes where coco chanel said. 


first one :  i made this medium size letter as the HEader, and the body copy i did arrange them in one line. plus, i add one a small size coco chanel logo on it. two coloumns and baseline grid. 

second one : header in BOLD and LARGE size font , sub-heading in italic word font . body copy in two columns and baseline grid. 

i've learned a lot through this assignments. i understood all the grids, hierarchy and the grids anatomy  that we learned. At first i'm doing this assignments, i feel like fed up , cause i not really understand the grids, but slowly i understood it through google the grids , ask from classmates and do the assignments together with classmates. Basically Grids can bring visual structure and balance to site design.

Josef Müller-​​Brockmann, graphic design pioneer (and author of Grid Systems in Graphic Design): “The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.”
(one of the photo while i'm doing this assignments with mates :)

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