Tuesday 25 September 2012

Lecture 6,class activity : design brochure

24th Sept 2012

we have our own tutorial and a lecture today.
basically we have a lecture about recap like utilizing visual elements and all the principles of design we learnt to create a successful composition. 

Me and Lee chia work in a group to create a brochure layout using any newspaper and magazine cuttings together with hand drawn elements. we given one hour to finish this challenge, and we both kind rush our brochure because our brochure is a  lot of hard work because we doing paper cut out on the first page of the brochure. 

(the front page : peacock image)     ( the last page : the contact of our LUSH JEWELRY)

( the second and third page of the LUSH JEWELRY brochure)

our brochure topic is about a jewelry shop called LUSH JEWELRY having a 60th anniversary celebration and the LUSH JEWELRY have a promotion and the history of the jewelry shop. our main color palette of this brochure is black and white. we keep it as black and white simple and classy like diamonds' characteristics. 

the first page of the brochure is the peacock image and the LUSH JEWELRY
basically we used peacock as the main brochure theme because peacock symbolism of nobility and holiness like jewelry. we think out an idea to cut the peacock image in paper cut out form that we recently have an assignments about the paper cut out. The LUSH JEWELRY word we used liquid paper write out in italic bold word font 

the second page and the third page is about the promotion and the history about the jewelry shop. the article of the second page me and lee chia think if like just black background stick together might be not interesting or attractive, so we cut out the same size of the article in white A4 paper and paste it.
the third page of the article is same like page 2 but we deicided to make some design or pattern on the background. i cut off some tiny rectangle shape at the upper article just for avoid the similarity with the second page. plus more, i add some wavyyy pattern on the bottom of the white background. Chia cut out the flowers ! its amazing right?!  hahah we mentioned the 60th anniversary and there a cute cartoon peacock behind the 60th anniversary word. basically the girds we used is baseline grids.

the last page is all about THE LUSH JEWELRY . some how we do some pattern like the third page one. some flower and leaves pattern to make the brochure more attractive. we do make a small white square to let the customer contact us. 

we dont have any cut out images but we did cut out the article from the taylor university brochure hahaa no choice, we dont have any article about jewelry in newspaper and magazine. 

what i have learnt through this activity is the cooperation of team mate, the understanding of all the elements that Ms Lisa had taught us. The grids, the composition, the margin and others are so important to design a brochure. Is quite challenging because of the time. we just given one hour to think what need to plan to do a brochure, what article can we find around the campus and we still need to think a lot in howw to present later if we did this ? why ? why we did this? 
After we presented the brochure we did, LEE CHIA and me was like '' PHEW''!! finally is over haha 
i like this activity a lot ! ;D 

the work process and the presentation moment.   :)

Monday 24 September 2012

presentation assignments 4

18th september 2012

is the individual presentation day for assignments 4 ! basically these are my assignments 4 i had done.
my topic is about the famous French Fashion Designer in fashion history. COCO CHANEL.
i add a lot coco chanel potrait and some chanel logo as image for the 3 gridworks i did.


first one as you see, i arrange the two columns ,one medium size image, header and sub-heading (under the image).

second one, is three columns. i put 3 small size images and 2 sub-heading below the image.


first one : i used a big header and 2 medium size image and body copy.but unfortunately my margin is wrong. too bad... 

second one : i'm not using header at here but i used sub heading as start of this body copy. i used italic word font on sub heading because it is a famous quotes where coco chanel said. 


first one :  i made this medium size letter as the HEader, and the body copy i did arrange them in one line. plus, i add one a small size coco chanel logo on it. two coloumns and baseline grid. 

second one : header in BOLD and LARGE size font , sub-heading in italic word font . body copy in two columns and baseline grid. 

i've learned a lot through this assignments. i understood all the grids, hierarchy and the grids anatomy  that we learned. At first i'm doing this assignments, i feel like fed up , cause i not really understand the grids, but slowly i understood it through google the grids , ask from classmates and do the assignments together with classmates. Basically Grids can bring visual structure and balance to site design.

Josef Müller-​​Brockmann, graphic design pioneer (and author of Grid Systems in Graphic Design): “The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.”
(one of the photo while i'm doing this assignments with mates :)

Monday 17 September 2012

GRIDS. Assignments 4

basically we learned grids, gird anatomy , hierarchy , grids variation and other 


Grids are a series of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines that are used to structure content for place of any design element. Basically it is where you create a framework which gives order to you content in a rational manner and it help you create with a underlying consistency 

Grids Anatomy 

basically grids divide into 7 parts.
- Margin    -  Follow Line    - Column   - Row   - Gutter   - Module   - Spatial Zone

first activity we have in the class.
 we given a work by ms lisa, that we need to use the articles we have on us , like magazine or newspaper. we have to identify as many guidelines as possibly can by using colored pens and ruler. we have to work out the similarities and differences between the articles.

second activity we have in the class
we need two plain A4 size paper and roughly sketch 2 versions of our own grid work. one for lengthly magazine article and one for a poster.


this is my grid work :)

this is to indicate where you put the header , sub header , image , call out and body copy will go.


- using a single topic and the same images to create 2 variations of A4 size of each of the following grid layouts based on THE GOLDEN RATIO, THE COLUMNS and THE BASELINE GRID
( 6 different layouts by using the same article and images.)

- we have to mount your work neatly on the black mounting board (2 designs one 1 board)

- we have to take photos of various stage or process while doing the assignments.

- we will have to write 100 word essay based on our understanding of the different types of grids.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

group 1 Furniture Design Presentation Day

10 Sept 2012

yesterday we presented our final furniture design , display the furniture and we had to showed the process of making the furniture design. Our group PISD - MODULAR SINGLE SEATER + SIDE TABLE / CHAISE + FOOT STOOL. 

At first we came out alot ideas but the end we using lee chia and alvin ideas which is using cardboard like lee chia thinks and inspired by the corals in the sea. Alvin's idea is make the shape of the sofa like suitable for human's spine.  we combine the both ideas and it become the final idea : modular single seater. 

Materials of this Modular Single Seater is recyeled cardboard and strings . Basically we cut off the big cardboard into big rectangle shape and we measure the length and the width of the seater should be. Secondly, we drew the shape of the furniture and cut it. After we cut it all in the shape, we stack the cardboard vertically in back to back front to front form by the glue gun and two pots of starch glue that lee chia cooked. Strings are used to further decorate seater and increase the durability. 

Provide convenience for the potential consumer and relaxation for the buyer are the aim of our furniture design, Furthermore, our target customer is people in working class category , age 25-50 and environmentally conscious.

I've learned a lot through this project. i learned the hard work and cooperation of group members. the the furniture we did seem simple but to do it, it isn't the simple to do as what you think.  we put a lot of effort and hard work on it . great presentation Day ! good job PISD group members :D 

Monday 3 September 2012

Groupwork furniture design part 2

our group decided name our group name as PISD . We finalize our group furniture design to Ms lisa last wednesday group tutorial meeting at Drawing room 1. we finalize our furniture design concept as a recycle relaxing sofa. the recycle sofa's material is wasted cardboard. we just cut them in a specific shape and we glue them. sound easy but actually its alot hard work, and we put a lot of effort in this group furniture design assignments.

this two picture shown how many effort and hard work we did in this two days . we came back to campus to start our work on the merdeka day 31st August 2012 and we continued another day on the next Sunday which means last Sunday. its alot of hardwork to cut the cardboard nicely and we have to glue it and make sure the sofa stable.

the POD subject photos.

 here are some POD individual assignments photos :) i going to upload my 50 photos video clip about my choosen subject soon, stay tuned :)