Monday 13 August 2012

first class of principles of design

13 August 2012

as of today, i had my first Principles of Design class. and my lecturer of this class is Ms Lisa :)
 i learnt a lot today, Ms Lisa was like giving a long speech and slide show about the principles of design, elements, movements and the style of the artworks like

  • Impressionism - Claude Monet (the most easiest name to remember) 1870 - 1890 
  • Pop Art - Andy Warhol 1928-1987 
  • International Gothic 
  • De Stjil 
  • Abstract Expressionism and others...........  
after  that, Ms Lisa gave us a project. 
- design  a self portrait based on art movement that you represent you best. 
 (by using nature around the campus)  

she gave us a one hour time to finish out portrait and present infont of everyone.
what we have to present is 
- introduce yourself 
- explain the self portrait 
- tell the reason why you want to be a designer.

this is my self portrait.  
its weird i know... 
the little girl is me.  before this i have fierce thick eye brow shape but i had shave it last week. and the eye brow is pandan leaves which i pluck somewhere nearby the lakeside. and you can see there a red blush at the little girl face. its represents my face blush all the time i think is the pimples scars. i have a orange brown hair with short fringes.
the hands, i used sticks to cut into half and stick it at this portrait. i had stiff of my body system. i dont have talent for dance, i dance like a weirdo because i have some problems with that like sticks.  

the background of my self portrait is reflected to my brain. the colorful and alot of flower that side is mean that sometimes i had a lot of creative idea but i dontknow how to express and describe it or i have ideas but its seem like not pratical. the another side is sometimes i dont have ideas when i need some ideas to do something important.  conclusion of this background is .... the ideas doesn't come out when i need them. 

first of all, after i graduate this foundation i will be continue my degree of interior architecture. and the reason why i want to become a designer because i love design and colors, but i dont like drawing much. i'm trying to like drawing this subject. before this i have passion on design clothes, mom told me be a fashion designer is very hard than be a interior designer. so i have changed my passion to interior design. i want to design a new environment for my families and friends :)  

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