Monday 27 August 2012


27 August 2012

Today before we entered the class, we have to prepared a black mounting board size 12 inch x 9 inch with a 8 inch x 5 inch cutout frame for today's classs activity. We being told by ms Lisa before raya we need to bring camera or any mobile phone that have a camera for today lecture 2 topic. This topic will work on developing our framing and composition skill.

Ms Lisa let us go around the campus and find a specific subject you like. we can take as much photos as we can about the specific subject and choose at least 20 photos among all the photos you took. we have to take the subject by using the cutout frame together. first, i dontknow we need to target for our specific subject, so i just walked around and took alot random pictures, like buildings, friends, smiles, the view and even the foods too ._.   me and doreen was like the fastest one.  then we only knew we have to take specific subject photos not RANDOM subject . firstly i say environment / buildings , and then i changed it because quite alot of my classmates have same subject. so i changed my subject into STAR !!

after class finished, i went around the campus again and took 20 photos about the star. before the class finish, Ms Lisa told us based on our chosen subject matter, we have to spend the next few days photographing outside of campus somewhere like shopping malls, public and anywhere. Then, we have to select 30 photos to add your 20 photos done in class so total up we need 50 photos of the subject matter you choose and collect them , create a short movie clip using an editing software of your choice. after all of that, we have to give our work a nice title then DONE!

we have to submit on next monday :)
will upload the photos i took today soon.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

group design assignment

14 August 2012

It is the first week of class, and we FID have tons of assignments. like today principles of design class, Ms Lisa gave us a group assignments and this our first group assignment. the assignment topic is furniture design with recycle things and its a group work tutorial. Ms Lisa gave us one hour to discuss and after discuss we have to present our ideas for prevent similarities of furniture and materials. like this no one will stole ideas from other group secretly.

first of all. we have to gather ourself into groups of 6
secondly after form a group we have to discuss with group members to select a piece of furniture as the main thing. then we have discuss our colors of the furniture, the style , the uses of the furniture you choose and of course the material of the furniture.

my group members have doreen,samuel, syamin, jun and alvin. we have to discuss our main furniture easy to do it and not complicate. then we came out alot of ideas like book shelf, a standing lamp, a mini table, stool and bench. At the end, we made bench and mini table as our ideas.  our material have tins, old newspaper , old magazines and others. this furniture we planned to let peoples can sit on it and put something on the mini table too.

we given 3 weeks to do this furniture design project. the next tutorial class on monday after hari raya will be our last presentation for our last idea or concepts of furniture design. we can either take a pic to present or sketch the furniture out to present. thats all for today

Monday 13 August 2012

first class of principles of design

13 August 2012

as of today, i had my first Principles of Design class. and my lecturer of this class is Ms Lisa :)
 i learnt a lot today, Ms Lisa was like giving a long speech and slide show about the principles of design, elements, movements and the style of the artworks like

  • Impressionism - Claude Monet (the most easiest name to remember) 1870 - 1890 
  • Pop Art - Andy Warhol 1928-1987 
  • International Gothic 
  • De Stjil 
  • Abstract Expressionism and others...........  
after  that, Ms Lisa gave us a project. 
- design  a self portrait based on art movement that you represent you best. 
 (by using nature around the campus)  

she gave us a one hour time to finish out portrait and present infont of everyone.
what we have to present is 
- introduce yourself 
- explain the self portrait 
- tell the reason why you want to be a designer.

this is my self portrait.  
its weird i know... 
the little girl is me.  before this i have fierce thick eye brow shape but i had shave it last week. and the eye brow is pandan leaves which i pluck somewhere nearby the lakeside. and you can see there a red blush at the little girl face. its represents my face blush all the time i think is the pimples scars. i have a orange brown hair with short fringes.
the hands, i used sticks to cut into half and stick it at this portrait. i had stiff of my body system. i dont have talent for dance, i dance like a weirdo because i have some problems with that like sticks.  

the background of my self portrait is reflected to my brain. the colorful and alot of flower that side is mean that sometimes i had a lot of creative idea but i dontknow how to express and describe it or i have ideas but its seem like not pratical. the another side is sometimes i dont have ideas when i need some ideas to do something important.  conclusion of this background is .... the ideas doesn't come out when i need them. 

first of all, after i graduate this foundation i will be continue my degree of interior architecture. and the reason why i want to become a designer because i love design and colors, but i dont like drawing much. i'm trying to like drawing this subject. before this i have passion on design clothes, mom told me be a fashion designer is very hard than be a interior designer. so i have changed my passion to interior design. i want to design a new environment for my families and friends :)